Cookie policy
HTTP cookie (more commonly defined as web cookie, tracking cookie, or simply cookie) are text strings used to carry out automatic authentication processes, track sessions, and store specific information about users accessing servers. More specifically, cookie are small-sized text strings that are sent from a server to a web client (usually, a browser), then back from client to server (without any changes) each time the client accesses the same section of the same web domain. Cookie are designed for the purpose of ensuring reliability for websites in retrieving useful information (e.g. items placed in a shopping cart) or tracking user navigation data (e.g. buttons clicked, logins, tracking pages visited by specific users).
To accept or delete cookie
Cookie settings
Below you can choose which kind of cookies you allow on this website. Click on the "Save cookie settings" button to apply your choice.
Upon visiting a page located on the website, the following cookie types might be generated: technical cookie; cookie serving aggregated statistical purposes.
Technical cookie are needed to operate the website; such cookie can be generated by a server or by the website, and univocally identify user navigation sessions. Google Analytics Cookie (with anonymised IP)
Building Services Brianza srl – Socio Unico uses the Google Analytics web analysis service provided by Google Inc. to collect aggregated statistical information which is then used to monitor website usage and activities carried out by users.
Google stores information collected by Google cookie on servers, which might be located in the USA. Google might transfer information collected through Google cookie to third parties, should this be required by any applicable laws in force, or should third parties process information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate users’ IP addresses to any other information owned by Google for the purpose of generating detailed user profiles. More information about privacy policies and/or ways to reject or discard these cookie are available on the following webpage: https://www.google.it/intl/en/policies/privacy/
Users can selectively disable Google Analytics operations by installing the Google opt-out component on their browsers. To disable the Google Analytics data collection function, please click on the following link: […]. Third-Party Cookie
Some organisations may use their own anonymous cookie on some pages located on our website. They do that to monitor performance of their applications or to customise their own applications. Due to the way in which cookie operate, our website is not allowed to access these cookie and cannot change the way in which information generating such cookie is organised on the website. Contact pages and other website sections displaying maps
These cookie are used by Google to display maps embedded in the Contact page of this website and to store user preferences and information. Google uses a certain number of cookie in each page displaying Google maps.
You can usually set your browser so that it is not allowed to accept cookie or cookie generated from specific websites.
Cookie settings can usually be changed in all modern browsers. These settings are usually found under the ‘options’ or ‘preferences’ browser menu. The following links could be useful for you to get more information about cookie settings. You can also use the ‘Help’ option within your browser for further information.
Internet Explorer cookie settings
Firefox cookie settings
Chrome cookie settings
Safari and iOS cookie settings
If cookie are not accepted by your browser, we will only be able to provide you with limited services. This might influence your experience on our website. For further information about cookie stored on your computer and on how to disable specific cookie, please visit the following link: https://www.youronlinechoices.com/uk/your-ad-choices